Saturday, January 28, 2012

Twice in 1 month!

I said in my last post that I wanted to make dent in my pile of UFOs (Un Finished Objects) and here is another one! 

Carnival - the putting away of the flesh

This was started last April, in that class I took from Sarena Barton
at Artiscape.  Some things just take a while to mature.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Goth Arches

I love gothic arches but I thought this picture should be about something more than just an architectural form.  Thus all the goth faces.  Most of them are from   a clipart site called Grandma's Graphics.

The final layer of gel medium did make it kind of soft and bumpy but I think some of that is some camera shake as well - I probably should re-photograph it.  Hopefully, I'll have some more work to post soon - I'm making an effort to finish several half-done pieces.